Take Action

Take Action 

Seek out information about conservation issues (Learn more)


  • Watch wildlife shows on television
  • Read a book about your favorite animal
  • Join local conservation chapters to find out what they are doing in your area
  • Visit local accredited zoos & aquariums to learn more about wildlife around the world


Spread the word to others about the value of wildlife (Tell others)


  • Focus your next school project around your favorite animal
  • Let your friends and family know how much you care about wildlife
  • Teach children to respect nature and the environment. Take them hiking, camping, or to the zoo
  • Write letters to elected officials urging them to support conservation initiatives


Look for and purchase products that are friendly to the environment (Sustainable shopper)


  • Use reusable packaging in your lunchbox instead of paper or plastic baggies
  • Buy recycled paper or pencils for school this year
  • Reduce the amount of fertilizer or pesticides you use
  • Purchase shade grown coffee and chocolates


​Create habitats for wildlife in your backyard (Backyard habitats)


  • Hang a bird feeder, birdbath, bat box to help wildlife
  • Plant native trees and flowers that butterflies and birds like
  • Create a small pond in your backyard for aquatic wildlife
  • Help children discover insects by placing a bug board in the corner of the yard


Reduce, reuse, recycle, replenish (RRRR)


  • Recycle everything you can-newspaper, glass, cans, foil, etc.
  • Turn off the water when you brush your teeth
  • Use cold water in the washer when possible
  • Recycle old cellphones and electronics 


Choose your pets wisely (Pets)


  • Observe wildlife in your backyard, but leave those animals where you find them
  • Learn everything about the pet you want. They may not be well suited to stay with you
  • Know where your pet was born. Be sure it wasn’t taken from the wild
  • Be sure to research lifespan, veterinary requirement, and size of animal etc before adopting


Support conservation organizations through contributions and volunteering (Donate)


  • Join a beach or river cleanup
  • Visit a zoo, nature park, or sanctuary where your visit will support wildlife
  • Volunteer your time to a local zoo or conservation organization
  • Contribute monetarily to conservation funds support wildlife and wild places


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